Aquolac Epoxy Paint
2 Pack Epoxy Paint
A two pack composition comprising an epoxy resin base and an accelerator, when mixed in recommended proportions, react chemically to produce a hard gloss finish.
These epoxy paints have excellent chemical and abrasion resistance. They are superior to most coatings with regard to resistance to alkalis, Alkaline soaps and similar agents. They provide good resistance to weak acids and acidic environments and also provide a highly resistant finish to solvents, oils and grease. Epoxy paint systems are recommended for use where special coatings are required e.g. for extra protection in highly corrosive environments.

Epoxy paints are recommended for steel, Cast Iron, Wood, Stone, Concrete, Hardboard, General Chemical paints, Bottle Washing machine and Dairy plants.
How to use
The base and accelerator should be mixed in recommended proportions and allow to stand for 45 minutes, restirred and then ready to use. The mixed paint should be used with in 6 hours of mixing.
Painting & Drying
Epoxy Paints can be applied by spraying and brushing normal over coating time is 16-18 hours. Curing of Epoxy coating to show optimum results takes 7 days. For thinning the paint, Epoxy thinner should be used.
This depends upon surface and porosity of surface and technique of painting and operator’s skill. It covers Approx. 10 sq. m./Ltr.
Available in 4 Ltr. And 20 Ltr. packs
- Do not try to use the paint after 6 hours.
- Mix only that Quantity which can be used in known working time.
- Epoxy paints should be applied only when ambient temperature is not below 10 deg. C. or when humidity is not above 90% because they may fail to set and will not develop chemical resistance when the above conditions are not met.