AQUOLITE Road Marking Paint

IS: 164, ISI CM/L – 0985272

Aquolite Road Marking Paint is a specially formulated and tested paint which prevents bleeding of bitumen substrata and possess very good water resisting and weathering properties. It is quick drying paint, dries in just 7-8 minutes and set rapidly to accept traffic after 25-30 minutes. It has very good reflective properties so necessary for road markings.

Road Marking Paint


It can be used on all kinds of Roads like Asphalt and concrete roads including Runways of Air-fields, It is available in two bases

  1. Spirit Base (for all surfaces)
  2. Water Base (Concrete Surfaces)

Colour Range

It is available in white, Golden yellow & Black. However a specific Colour can be manufactured on request provided the minimum quantity is 500 Ltrs.


It is supplied in brushing consistency but in case thinning is necessary, spirit may can be added in spirit based paint and water for water – based paint.


  1. Road Marking Paint (spirit based) 12-14 sq. meter per litre as per the surface.
  2. Road Marking Paint (water based ) 14-16 sq.meter per litre as per the surface.


Available in 4 Ltr. And 20 Ltr. packs