Rapid Set
For Complete Waterproofing / Increase Cement Strength
An ideal liquid rapid hardner for cement and concrete. Use of Aquolac Rapid Set result in early development of strength in cement/ concrete. It decreases the setting time of cement and results in relatively dense concrete which in waterproof also. It makes the concrete surface dustproof and resists many forms of chemical attacks. Its accelerating action allows finishing the job early. It is an ideal solution for cold weather and emergency reparis.
- Aquolac rapid set is a liquid rapid set accelerator for concrete and cement renderings.
- It promotes a fast setting actoin enabling the rapid application of concrete.
- It waterproofs and hardens the concrete and cement renderings thus serves a double purpose.
- It enables treatment of pits and basements of water.
- It is an effective admixture of cold weather working and emergency repairs works.
- It can accelerate the setting time to any degree desired.
- It is easier to use in cumparison to the accelerator in powder form.
- It makes the concrete dense and dust proof besides resistant to many forms of chemical attacks.
- It is economical to use, achieving short setting times at low levels of addition.
- It works effectively, even in sub zero temperatures of -10° to 15°C. It act as a anti freezing construction chemical.
How to Use
Rapid Hardrening of Renderings &. Concrete:
When mixed as such with cement, it sets in two or three minutes. When Aquolac Rapid Set diluted with an equal amount of Water is used, the Mortar or concrete sets within Ten minutes Normally recommended dosage of Aquolac Rapid Set is 4 litres of Aquolac Rapid Set for every 100 Kgs of cement used in the mix. For repairing floors, 1 part Aquolac Rapid Set with 2 parts water provides an acceleration sufficient enough. The actual dosage have to be determined by trial depending upon the specific requirements and quality of cement, moisture content of the aggregates, composition of the mix, amount of water used and extent of suction in the background.
Aquolac Rapid set for interior renderings:
Provide three coats for proofing Pits and Basements using cement and sand in1:2 ratio. This minimizes the risk of shrinkage and crazing. Provide sufficient overlap on the joints of proceeding coat. Before starting work on consecutive days, the edges should be well slurried with cement and water.
Aquolac Rapid set for Exterior Renderings:
Prefer a three coat treatment to two coats, the first coat should be of cement and sand in 1:2 ratio. Subsequent coats should be mixed in the ratio of 1:3. Use wood float for finishing. Scratch the under coat thoroughly to provide a good key for subsequent coats. In order to provide a good bond for the first coat, usual means be applied. In case cement slurry is applied, use Aquolac Rapid Set diluted in the ratio 1: 2 with water.
Aquolac Rapid set for floor toppings:
4 Iitres of Aquolac Rapid Set be used for 100 kgs of cement. This approximately equals diluting Aquolac Rapid Set in the ration of 1:4 in no case undiluted Aquolac Rapid Set should come into contact with dry cement or aggregate. To ensure correct preprations for dilution of Aquolac Rapid Set carry out trials at the site. Avoid laying too wet toppings or excessive trowelling. Keep the water content low. Use a wood float to render the topping smooth after the set commences, use steel trowel for finishing. Do not sprinkle neat cement to dry out ~ny water rising to the surface. This should be avoided by adjusting the water content at the time of mixing. If both the base concrete and wearing courses are of correct consistency, trowelling can be carried out almost immediately. Cure well by covering with wet sacks or watering at intervals for 5 to 6 days.
No special storage facilities are required.
Aquolac Rapid Set is supplied in 30 Iitres Polycans and 200 litres Barrel.
Aquolac Rapid Set has plasticizing effect thus enables a reduction in water content. For best results, the concrete should be made as stiff as possiblem keeping in view the workability requirements. As far as possible, floors should be formed monolithic. Avoid angular joints between floors and walls. Use wire brush to remove all the laitance and apply cement slurry before starting next day work. Cement slurry should be prepared using Aquolac Rapid Set diluted in the ratio 1:2 with water.